Our office is open 9-5 (mountain Time) Monday-Friday. Emails can be answered during non-business hour.
Email Us: Fill out the form below and include the following
- Full name
- Email address
- Best time to call
- How you would like to be contacted by phone or email. If by phone include your phone and area code.
- Any questions you might have. Please allow some time for us to get back to you. We try to answer all emails within 24 hrs.
EPOXYDOC is a leading manufacturer and distributor of high-quality commercial and industrial grade products. Our clients come from the United States and Canada. We have an extensive knowledge of floor coatings and product installation. We have installed thousands of feet of epoxies and other coatings. For questions related to Epoxydoc products and installation, please contact our customer service. Thank You.
Privacy Policy: We protect your privacy, we never share your personal information
EMAIL FORM: Fill in your name, email, and phone number and any questions you have